Author’s note

This post was recovered from my old blog via the Wayback Machine. There were a few links in the post that don’t work anymore, so I removed them. This post was from early 2008, and I’m not sure if the code even works anymore (it was written in PHP 5). Originally, this code pointed you to a simple website I created to let you crack MD5 hashes using the code. Instead, you just get the raw code.

This is not a novel approach today - MD5 is completely insecure as an encryption hash - but this was a relatively novel attack in 2008. This article even got me published in the hacker mag 2600 - The Hacker Quarterly (Summer 2008). One interesting result of that publication is that it gained me a pen pal from a federal penitentiary in Texas. That was in interesting time to say the least.


25-Sept 2022

Cracking MD5 Hashes with the Webtionary - Jan 18 2008

… or “Using Google and Yahoo to Light-Force An (Almost) Infinite Dictionary”

I read an article recently about using Google to search for plaintext equivalents of MD5 hashes. Basically, you search for the hash (something like, “5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99″) and look through the results for the plaintext equivalent (in this case, “5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99″ is equal to “password”).

It got me thinking about when I wore the Grey Hat in the old days, and I would download dozens of wordlists to use for my brute-force attempts at cracking Windows NT passwords (for educational purposes only). If you consider the *illions of pages in the internet, you can essentially utilize them as a massive wordlist, or “webtionary”, for cracking.

Using PHP, I whipped up a script that searches both Google and Yahoo for the MD5 hash, then takes the results, sorts them by frequency of word, and hashes each word to try to match to the original query.

There are sites that let you search their huge databases of MD5 hashes and their plaintext-equivalents, but that’s not the point here. The point is using search results and sifting through a few hundred words of search results–which is more efficient that searching a few million rows, though not as successful. But, I was surprised at how many times the script quickly deciphered a hash. Try it yourself, and send me any improvements that could be made to the code to make it even more efficient.

The MD5 Cracker in action:

    Crack MD5 v.03
    by jbnunn
    November 2007
    GNU General Public License, have fun with it
    Light-force crack of exposed MD5 hashes
    -    "Light-force" because we're not brute-forcing through a huge database of decrypted keys. 
        You can do that all over the internet (shout out to We're just showing 
        proof-of-concept by using search engines to find keys and their plaintext.
    -    We do use our own database to store successful deciphers made from this application. Mainly
        because we're limited to a certain amount of API calls per day on Yahoo and Google. (Update:
        database support removed for simplicity. It's easy enough to add your own, and we will
        put database support back in if the API calls get limited by the search engines)
    -    Theoretically, if enough pages of hash / plaintext combinations were cataloged by seach 
        engines across the internet, we could use the processing power of Google and Yahoo to search 
        much more efficiently than searching millions of rows in a database
    -     We search Google first, because if there are search results returned, the plaintext is almost
        always found in the page summary. With Yahoo we have to do a bit more checking.
    # version .02:
    - added database support for caching found hashes
    - changed regex's a little (still need some vodoo to make them more efficient)
    - organized the code to be more modular
    - added memory limits because it crashed when a large html page was loaded 
        (instead of skipping this page we might need to figure out how to better parse it into manageable chunks)
    - now searches Yahoo's summary field for each page (as well as the URL name and page content)
    - added debug content
    - made user agent show $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] instead of "spider"
    # version .03:
    - added upper/lower case hash searches, and searches with punctuation removed
    - added Google search (without API)
    - fixed sorting bug where keys were being lost
    - made use of php's parse_url instead of homegrown verison
    - made regular expressions more efficient
    - removed dependency on external filter for cleaning input
    - removed references to database (add your own if you want to use a database as a backup for stored hashes)

$time_start = microtime(true);    // Time script execution (PHP 5 only)
ini_set("memory_limit","10M");    // Increase memory size for large arrays
ini_set(max_execution_time,120);    // 2 minutes to run through the results

// Setup variables and constants
$yahoo_appid = "use_your_own_from_yahoo";    // Use your own APP ID from Yahoo
$url_list = array();
$found = FALSE;
$found_location = FALSE;    // Found in google / yahoo

function searchYahoo($query) {
    /* Search Yahoo for the query. Searches both the URL address and page content */
    global $yahoo_appid;
    global $filter;
    global $found_location;
    // Get the Yahoo REST output
    $request =  "$yahoo_appid&query=$query&results=10&output=php";
    $response = file_get_contents($request);

    if ($response === false) {
        // Request for page failed... error check or graceful exit here
        die('Oops, we messed something up... try another hash.');

    $phpobj = unserialize($response);
    // First we need to search the page URL (title) itself. 
    foreach($phpobj['ResultSet'] as $result) {
        if(is_array($result)) {
            foreach($result as $child) {
                $url_list[] = $child['Url'];
    if(!$url_list || count($url_list) == 0) {
        return false;
        $url_check = array();
        $url_breakdown_array = array();

        foreach($url_list as $url) {
            $parsed_data = parse_url($url);

            // Breakdown the path for plaintext searching
            $url_array = str_replace(array('/','.','_'),' ',$parsed_data['path']);
            $url_check[] = split(' ',$url_array);
            // Breakdown the query for plaintext searching
            $url_array = str_replace(array('=','+','amp;','&','quot;'),' ',$parsed_data['query']);
            $url_check[] = split(' ',$url_array);
        foreach($url_check as $url_set) {
            foreach($url_set as $url) {
                if(trim($url) != '') {
                    $url_breakdown_array[] = $url;
    // Sort the array in order of most frequent word
        $url_breakdown_array = array_count_values($url_breakdown_array);
        array_multisort($url_breakdown_array, SORT_DESC);
        $url_breakdown_array = array_keys($url_breakdown_array);
    foreach($url_breakdown_array as $plaintext) {
        $found = checkHash($query, $plaintext);
        if($found) {
            $found_location = "YAHOO_URL";
            return $found;
    // URL didn't contain hash? Loop through results and search within the Yahoo "Summary" field
    foreach($phpobj['ResultSet'] as $result) {
        if(is_array($result)) {
            foreach($result as $child) {
                $summary_list[] = $child['Summary'];
    $summary_array = array();
    $summary_breakdown_array = array();
    foreach($summary_list as $summary) {
        $summary_array[] = split('/|\?|=|\-|\.|\_|\&amp;|\&quot;|\ |\,|\"|\'',$summary);    // Inefficient regular expression? We might need more too...
    foreach($summary_array as $summary_set) {
        foreach($summary_set as $summary) {
            if(trim($summary) != '') {
                $summary_breakdown_array[] = $summary;
    // Sort the array in order of most frequent word
    $summary_breakdown_array = array_count_values($summary_breakdown_array);
    $summary_breakdown_array = array_keys($summary_breakdown_array);
    foreach($summary_breakdown_array as $plaintext) {
        $found = checkHash($query, $plaintext);
        if($found) {
            $found_location = "YAHOO_SUMMARY";
            return $found;
    // Still no match? Pull in the entire page and check the content of the text:
    foreach($url_list as $url) {
        // Get the web page
        $html = get_web_page($url);
        if(isset($html['content'])) {
            // Some content is too big for the filter--skip it for now
            if(strlen($html['content']) > 100000) {
            // Remove HTML tags
            $filtered_content = strip_tags($html['content']);
            // Remove punctuation
            $filtered_content = strip_punctuation($filtered_content);
            // Convert to array
            $single_word_array = explode(" ",$filtered_content);
            // Filter out strings that probably aren't valid for hashing
            foreach($single_word_array as $single_word) {
                if(strlen($single_word) < 32) {
                    $filtered_word_array[] = $single_word; 
            // Sort the array in order of most frequent word
            $filtered_word_array = array_count_values($filtered_word_array);
            $filtered_word_array = array_keys($filtered_word_array);
        // Run through the array and check the user-requested MD5 hash vs the words in the array
        foreach($filtered_word_array as $plaintext) {
            $found = checkHash($query, $plaintext);
            if($found) {
                $found_location = "YAHOO_PAGE";
                return $found;

function searchGoogle($query) {
    global $filter;
    global $found_location;

    $html = get_web_page("$query");
    // Remove the HTML tags (using Cal Henderson's libFilter class)
    if(isset($html['content'])) {

        // Some content is too big for the filter--skip it for now
        if(strlen($html['content']) > 100000) {

        // Remove HTML tags
        $filtered_content = strip_tags($html['content']);
        // Remove punctuation
        $filtered_content = strip_punctuation($filtered_content);
        // Convert to array
        $single_word_array = explode(" ",$filtered_content);
        // Filter out strings that probably aren't valid for hashing
        foreach($single_word_array as $single_word) {
            if(strlen($single_word) < 32) {
                $filtered_word_array[] = $single_word; 

        // Sort the array in order of most frequent word
        $filtered_word_array = array_count_values($filtered_word_array);
        $filtered_word_array = array_keys($filtered_word_array);
    // Run through the array and check the user-requested MD5 hash vs the words in the array
    foreach($filtered_word_array as $plaintext) {
        $found = checkHash($query, $plaintext);
        if($found) {
            $found_location = "GOOGLE_SUMMARY";
            return $found;
function checkHash($query, $plaintext) {
    $original = $plaintext;
    /* Check the hash, including upper- and lower-case versions of plaintext, as well as quote-less */
    if(md5($plaintext) == $query) {
        return $plaintext;
    } elseif(md5(strtolower($plaintext)) == $query) {
        return strtolower($plaintext);
    } elseif(md5(strtoupper($plaintext)) == $query) {
        return strtoupper($plaintext);
    } else {
        return false;
function get_web_page($url) {
    /* Gets a webpage and saves it into an array for further processing */
    $options = array( 'http' => array(
        'user_agent'    => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],    // run as a web browser rather than a spider
        'max_redirects' => 10,          // stop after 10 redirects
        'timeout'       => 120,         // timeout on response
    ) );
    $context = stream_context_create( $options );
    $page    = @file_get_contents( $url, false, $context );
    $result  = array( );
    if ( $page != false )
        $result['content'] = $page;
    else if ( !isset( $http_response_header ) )
        return null;    // Bad url, timeout

    // Save the header
    $result['header'] = $http_response_header;

    // Get the *last* HTTP status code
    $nLines = count( $http_response_header );
    for ( $i = $nLines-1; $i >= 0; $i-- )
        $line = $http_response_header[$i];
        if ( strncasecmp( "HTTP", $line, 4 ) == 0 )
            $response = explode( ' ', $line );
            $result['http_code'] = $response[1];
    return $result;

function strip_punctuation($text)
    /* strips punctuation from text, 
        based on 
    $urlbrackets    = '\[\]\(\)';
    $urlspacebefore = ':;\'_\*%@&?!' . $urlbrackets;
    $urlspaceafter  = '\.,:;\'\-_\*@&\/\\\\\?!#' . $urlbrackets;
    $urlall         = '\.,:;\'\-_\*%@&\/\\\\\?!#' . $urlbrackets;
    $specialquotes  = '\'"\*<>';
    $fullstop       = '\x{002E}\x{FE52}\x{FF0E}';
    $comma          = '\x{002C}\x{FE50}\x{FF0C}';
    $arabsep        = '\x{066B}\x{066C}';
    $numseparators  = $fullstop . $comma . $arabsep;
    $numbersign     = '\x{0023}\x{FE5F}\x{FF03}';
    $percent        = '\x{066A}\x{0025}\x{066A}\x{FE6A}\x{FF05}\x{2030}\x{2031}';
    $prime          = '\x{2032}\x{2033}\x{2034}\x{2057}';
    $nummodifiers   = $numbersign . $percent . $prime;
    return preg_replace(
        // Remove separator, control, formatting, surrogate, open/close quotes.
        // Remove other punctuation except special cases
            '/\p{Po}(?<![' . $specialquotes .
                $numseparators . $urlall . $nummodifiers . '])/u',
        // Remove non-URL open/close brackets, except URL brackets.
            '/[\p{Ps}\p{Pe}](?<![' . $urlbrackets . '])/u',
        // Remove special quotes, dashes, connectors, number separators, and URL characters followed by a space
            '/[' . $specialquotes . $numseparators . $urlspaceafter .
                '\p{Pd}\p{Pc}]+((?= )|$)/u',
        // Remove special quotes, connectors, and URL characters preceded by a space
            '/((?<= )|^)[' . $specialquotes . $urlspacebefore . '\p{Pc}]+/u',
        // Remove dashes preceded by a space, but not followed by a number
            '/((?<= )|^)\p{Pd}+(?![\p{N}\p{Sc}])/u',
        // Remove consecutive spaces
            '/ +/',
        ' ',
        $text );

// This is where the magic happens. First check for form data...
if(isset($_REQUEST['query']) && trim($_REQUEST['query']) != '') {

    #$query = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'query');     // Clean the request for more security... doesn't work in all PHP setups so we disable it here
    $query = $_REQUEST['query'];

    // Search Google
    $found = searchGoogle($query);
    // Search Yahoo
    if(!$found) {
        $found = searchYahoo($query);
    $time_end = microtime(true);
    $time = $time_end - $time_start;
- @jbnunn